Electrical hazards can cause burns, shocks and electrocution (DEATH)
- Always use caution and common sense when around electricity
- Always treat electrical lines with caution and respect. Never take for granted that a wire is safe to touch, even if it appears to be insulated. Assume that all wires are active at lethal voltages.
- If a breaker trips immediately after it is reset, there is an electrical problem which should be delt with immediately. Continuing to press the breaker can cause fire.
- Always keep distance from fallen power lines and immediately report the damages
- Lights that flicker should be inspected immediately. This is most likely a cause of loose wiring or a light fixture that’s worn out and in need of replacement.
- Never operate electrical equipment around water or wet areas.
- Unless you are a qualified electrician, never repair electrical equipment or cords.
- A faceplate is warm to the touch is the cause of an overly large electrical load and should be inspected immediately.
- If electrical equipment has gotten wet, have a qualified electrician inspect it before operating
- Always inspect electrical cords and equipment to ensure they are free of defects and use a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).
- If a switch or outlet receptacle is loose, replace immediately.
- If an old refrigerator gives you a small shock, replace immediately.
- Never use extension cords wrapped in electrical tape or with loose ends.
- Before working at heights or handling long objects, be aware and verify the area is free of overhead wires.
- When tripping trees, always be aware of overhead power lines that may be nearby.
- Stay inside the vehicle if a powerline falls across your vehicle when driving. Call 911.
- Do not fly kites or model airplanes around power lines.
- Inspect power tools for fwested power cords.
Read more here: www.osha.gov/Publications/electrical_safety.html
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